About the Center
In 2015-2016, ECOTIC Association organizes activities within the project “Steps for WEEE”, co-financed 90% by Norway Grants.
Innovation Norway (www.eeagrants.org; www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no) is a financing line of the Norwegian Government open in order to develop in Romania a series of projects dedicated to increasing competitiveness of the green economy, developing environmental friendly technologies, creating jobs within the green industry and encouraging entrepreneurship in this field.
Main Goal
The main goal of this project is the improvement of collection rates for recyclable waste and the reduction of the negative impact on the environment, especially for the waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE). The main planned result of the project is the building of a Municipal Waste Collection Center, for the collection of waste generated in the homes of the citizens of Iasi.
This Center aims to become a local solution for Iasi and an example of best practices at national level. The need for such an amenity dedicated to the citizens is generated by:
– Low national collection rates for WEEE, recyclable waste;
– Inefficient infrastructure of the municipal solutions for recyclable waste collection;
– WEEE are lost in the metal waste flows;
Objectives of the Project
The main objective is the set-up of a municipal waste collection center, the first of its type in Romania. At the same time, as part of the project, we have created a street collection system for WEEE, made up of 15 street containers for the collection of small WEEE (computers, radios, etc.). Another important activity of the project was the study on WEEE generated in Romania.
Financing Source for the Project:
Green Industry Innovation Programme: www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no
The Green Industry Innovation Program for Romania contributes to the general objective of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014, that aims at reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Space (EES) and consolidating bilateral relations between Norway and Romania. The Program is in accordance with the Accord between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union regarding the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014, the Regulations regarding the implementation of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014 and the Agreement Memorandum regarding the implementation of Norwegian financial mechanism between Norway and Romania. The objective of the program is to increase competitiveness of the green enterprises, including greening the existent industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship. The Green Industry Innovation Program for Romania is a business development program. The vision of the program is: “Good for Business, Good for the Environment.” The program implements the concept of the green industry in the practical global understanding. The activities that are to be supported are: the development, implementation, investment and formation of ecological technologies, products or innovative services, the reduction and reuse of waste, initiatives on energetic efficiency and the more efficient use of renewable energy in business operations, as well as the increased resource efficiency through the innovation system and process in business operations.